The launch of the Permanent Commission for Technogenic and Ecological Safety Issues and Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan’s Geology and Geography Academy (KGGA) is an exciting development in the safety and security of citizens, environment, and property.
The aim of the Commission, which was established in 2021, is to prevent, minimize or eliminate the risks of technogenic pollution and natural disasters, to create a comprehensive approach to national environmental security, and to develop an effective system of managing, preventing and responding to emergency situations. The Commission is responsible for assessing the environmental impact of natural and man-made disasters, and developing measures to ensure their prevention, as well as improving the country’s emergency response system.
The Commission will be responsible for improving standards for preventative and emergency response activities related to environmental and technogenic threats, and will work in close cooperation with the Kazakhstan Committee on Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Kazakh Education Institute and Center of Emergency Medical Care, as well as other government and non-governmental organizations.
The Commission’s role includes initiating research and development on new technologies for monitoring and degradation of technogenic and environmental risks, supervising the implementation of safety requirements in industry and promoting public awareness about environmental threats. Its members will also work to create a common organisational and methodological space for uniform understanding of legal, ecological and other safety aspects, as well as provide expert and methodological support to improve the legislation in the field.
The KGGA Commission for Technogenic and Ecological Safety Issues and Emergency Situations will be responsible for providing professional and methodological support to all departments of the Academy and other organizations dealing with technogenic and environmental safety, to promote the efficient, organized and coordinated interaction of the various components of the state system of technogenic and ecological safety.
The meeting of the Commission will be held twice a year in order to monitor and evaluate the progress of the main activities and determine the further directions of development. The foundation of the Permanent Commission is a major milestone for Kazakhstan’s public safety and security and its work will be sure to ensure the safety and security of citizens and the environment for years to come.