Неожиданно: стало известно, сколько украинцев не готовы отказаться от новогоднего шопинга

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Ukrainians from the east of the country are planning to spend more money celebrating New Year than their western counterparts, who are more likely to celebrate Christmas.

Recent surveys have shown that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to spend more money on the New Year’s celebration than on Christmas. This is mainly due to the fact that the New Year is a much more popular holiday in the eastern parts of Ukraine, while Christmas is more popular in the western regions.

The survey results showed that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to buy expensive gifts for their family and friends, as well as to organize big New Year parties. They also tend to spend more money on decorations, food, and drinks.

In contrast, the residents of the western regions of the country are more likely to focus their spending on Christmas. They are more likely to buy gifts for their family and friends, as well as to organize big Christmas parties. They also tend to spend more money on decorations, food, and drinks for Christmas.

The survey results showed that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to travel to other cities and countries for the New Year celebration, while the residents of the western regions are more likely to stay at home and celebrate Christmas.

Overall, the survey results showed that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to spend more money on the New Year’s celebration than on Christmas. This is mainly due to the fact that the New Year is a much more popular holiday in the eastern parts of Ukraine, while Christmas is more popular in the western regions.

The survey results also showed that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to travel to other cities and countries for the New Year celebration, while the residents of the western regions are more likely to stay at home and celebrate Christmas.

Therefore, it is clear that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to spend more money on the New Year’s celebration than on Christmas. This is mainly due to the fact that the New Year is a much more popular holiday in the eastern parts of Ukraine, while Christmas is more popular in the western regions.

Overall, the survey results provide a good insight into the spending habits of the residents of the eastern and western regions of the country. It is clear that the residents of the eastern regions of the country are more likely to spend more money on the New Year’s celebration than on Christmas.

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