«Клубника символизирует молодость, здоровье и животворную силу солнца», — коллекционер фарфора Людмила Карпинская-Романюк

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In an exclusive interview with «FACTS», a researcher of the history of domestic porcelain spoke about the berry decor in the dishes of Ukrainian manufacturers. She shared her knowledge and expertise on this unique aspect of Ukrainian pottery, shedding light on its origins, evolution, and popularity.

The use of berry motifs in Ukrainian pottery can be traced back to the 18th century when the first porcelain factories were established in the country. At that time, berries were not only a popular decoration but also held symbolic meaning. For example, the strawberry symbolized love and the raspberry represented abundance and prosperity. This symbolism was often reflected in the designs of the dishes, adding a deeper layer of meaning to them.

Over the years, the use of berry decor in Ukrainian pottery has evolved and become more sophisticated. The researcher explained that different techniques, such as hand-painting and decal transfer, are used to create the intricate and vibrant designs seen on modern Ukrainian dishes. She also highlighted the use of traditional Ukrainian patterns and colors, which give the dishes a unique and recognizable look.

One of the most interesting aspects of berry decor in Ukrainian pottery is its connection to nature. The researcher shared that many Ukrainian manufacturers use local berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, as inspiration for their designs. This not only adds an authentic touch to the dishes but also promotes the country’s rich natural resources.

The popularity of berry decor in Ukrainian pottery has also spread beyond the country’s borders. The researcher mentioned that many foreign collectors and buyers are drawn to these dishes for their unique and eye-catching designs. This has led to an increase in demand for Ukrainian pottery, benefiting the local manufacturers and contributing to the country’s economy.

But the use of berry decor in Ukrainian pottery is not just about aesthetics and economics. The researcher emphasized its cultural significance and role in preserving Ukrainian traditions. She explained that many young artists are now incorporating berry motifs in their designs, keeping this aspect of Ukrainian pottery alive for future generations.

In recent years, berry decor has also become a source of inspiration for other forms of art, such as fashion and home decor. The researcher shared that she has seen the berry motif being used in clothing, accessories, and even interior design. This further showcases the versatility and appeal of Ukrainian pottery and its influence on other creative industries.

In conclusion, the use of berry decor in Ukrainian pottery is a fascinating aspect of the country’s cultural heritage. Its symbolism, evolution, and popularity make it a unique and cherished part of Ukrainian art. With the efforts of dedicated researchers and talented artists, this tradition will continue to thrive and inspire for years to come. So, the next time you see a dish with a beautiful berry design, remember the rich history and cultural significance behind it.

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