The Cabinet of newly elected US President Donald Trump has prepared more than 100 executive orders, under which the billionaire plans to put his signature on the first day of his return to the White House. According to media reports, the list of executive orders has been leaked, giving insight into what Trump intends to accomplish on his inauguration day.
The National Bank News was the first to report on the leaked list of executive orders, which includes a wide range of issues that Trump plans to address. From immigration to trade, the executive orders cover a variety of topics that were central to Trump’s campaign promises.
One of the most talked about executive orders is the one that aims to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Trump has been a vocal critic of the healthcare law and has promised to repeal and replace it with a better alternative. The leaked executive order outlines the steps that Trump plans to take to fulfill this promise, including working with Congress to come up with a new healthcare plan.
Another executive order that has been making headlines is the one that addresses immigration. Trump has been a staunch advocate for stricter immigration policies and has promised to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. The leaked executive order includes plans for the construction of the wall and outlines steps to increase border security.
In addition to these hot-button issues, the leaked executive orders also cover topics such as trade, national security, and energy. Trump has been a vocal critic of current trade deals, such as NAFTA, and has promised to renegotiate them to benefit the American people. The leaked executive order outlines Trump’s plans to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and renegotiate NAFTA.
On the national security front, the executive orders include plans to increase military spending and strengthen the fight against terrorism. Trump has been a vocal supporter of the military and has promised to make it stronger and more efficient. The leaked executive order outlines Trump’s plans to increase the size of the military and invest in new technologies.
The leaked executive orders have caused quite a stir, with some praising Trump for following through on his campaign promises and others expressing concern over the potential consequences of these actions. However, one thing is clear — Trump is wasting no time in getting to work and fulfilling the promises he made to the American people.
Critics may argue that Trump’s use of executive orders is an abuse of power, but it is a common practice among presidents to use executive orders to enact their agenda. And with a Republican-controlled Congress, it is likely that these executive orders will be met with little resistance.
In conclusion, the leaked list of executive orders gives us a glimpse into what we can expect from President Trump on his first day in office. Whether you agree with his policies or not, one thing is certain — Trump is determined to make good on his promises and bring about change in America. Only time will tell if these executive orders will have the desired effect, but one thing is for sure — the Trump administration is off to a busy start.